Amy Pajula

Recent Posts by Amy Pajula:

by Amy Pajula, on May 4, 2024

May is Better Speech and Hearing Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the widespread impact of hearing loss. It serves as a crucial reminder that hearing loss is …

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by Amy Pajula, on March 9, 2024

On February 6th, 2024, Minnesota representatives Michelle Fischbach (R-MN) and Angie Craig (D-MN) joined forces to introduce the bipartisan Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act. This pivotal bill aims to redefine …

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by Amy Pajula, on January 7, 2024

If you or someone you love has hearing loss in one ear, you may have heard them say there isn't anything that can be done to help them. Historically, unilateral …

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Topics:untreated or under-treatedunilateral hearing losssingle sided deafnesssudden sensorineural hearing loss

by Amy Pajula, on August 5, 2023

When President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Bill into law on August 14th, 1935 he stated the 32-page Act was, "a cornerstone in a structure which is being …

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by Amy Pajula, on June 3, 2023

If you have hearing loss or know someone who does, you are likely very familiar with the challenges people face when trying to get treatment. Hearing loss is rarely viewed …

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Topics:hearing lossadvocacy

by Amy Pajula, on November 9, 2022

When I finally bit the bullet and decided I would try a hearing aid in college, I was dismayed when my audiologist explained I would need two hearing aids due …

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Topics:hearing losslive well with hearing lossAmyNewsletter

by Amy Pajula, on August 4, 2022

Have you ever not heard your doorbell ring or missed someone knocking at your door? While missing a visitor is a minor inconvenience, most of us let our guard down …

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Topics:hearing losslive well with hearing lossSafety

by Amy Pajula, on February 26, 2019

I had already been struggling with my hearing loss for years when I became a first year college student. Now, however, I was away from home and in danger of …

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Topics:Esteemhearing losstestimoniallive well with hearing losshear everyday, all-daycostsAmy

by Amy Pajula, on January 8, 2019

As a bilateral Esteem® patient, I have experienced hassle-free hearing for almost 9 years. It has been an amazing journey and one that I would never change. Not for anything …

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Topics:Esteemhearing losstestimoniallive well with hearing losshear everyday, all-dayAmy

by Amy Pajula, on December 12, 2018

As a proud member of the hearing loss community, a hearing aid user for nearly three decades, and a happy bilateral Esteem® recipient, I am intimately familiar with the journey …

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Topics:Esteemhearing losslive well with hearing lossAmy

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The Sounding Board is designed to help patients, friends and family,  navigate the full spectrum of hearing loss. By providing insight on everything from general hearing loss topics to the specific experiences of individuals regaining hearing health in innovative ways.

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