
Help support the Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act!

Despite the incredible progress in medical device technology and innovation across multiple medical domains, individuals suffering from hearing loss have unfortunately not experienced the same level of advancement. Hearing loss stands as the third most prevalent chronic health condition in the United States1, yet there remains a scarcity of innovative solutions and access is limited due to insufficient insurance coverage.

The Hearing Device Clarification Act seeks to clarify that fully implanted active middle ear hearing devices are prosthetics and not subject to the current Medicare hearing aid coverage exclusion.

The success of this bill's passing is dependent upon gathering widespread support.

1. Blackwell DL, Lucas JW, Clarke TC.  Summary health statistics for US adults:  National Health Interview Survey, 2012.  Vital Health Stat 10. 2014;260:1-161

The Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act (Website)-1

The Social Security Act of 1965 excluded hearing aids, eyeglasses, and dental care from being covered benefits under Medicare and Medicaid. However, the FDA has recognized the Esteem®  fully implanted active middle ear implant (FI-AMEI) as a prosthetic, distinguishing it from a hearing aid. Unfortunately, the Center for Medicare Services (CMS) has classified the Esteem implant as a hearing aid, which means it's not covered by Medicare. This classification prevents individuals with hearing loss from accessing an alternative solution.

View the press release for H.R. 7254

View the press release for S.4829

Envoy Medical believes this inappropriate classification has resulted in breakthrough hearing technologies not being available to Medicare beneficiaries and has hindered innovation and competition in the hearing device marketplace. 

We believe this legislation would not only provide access to an important technology, but will encourage more innovation, more competition, and more solutions for the nearly 40 million Americans who suffer from disabling hearing loss.

Anyone can help support this bill by contacting their representatives to make them aware of this bill and share how the inability to access this type of technology affects you, your health, and your quality of life or how it affects those you love who live with hearing loss. Then ask them to co-sponsor H.R. 7254 or S. 4929 The Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act

If you want to help support this bill click the link below and we will send you instructions and letter templates.



Help Support the Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act-1

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