Retiree joins choir and sings again with Esteem® implant


"After the Esteem, I was able to do all the things that I liked to do: going to movies, going to plays, going to concerts and enjoying it," said Yvonne. "After you’ve lost something and you’re able to regain it again is wonderful.”

Yvonne first experienced hearing loss in her mid- thirties and says she was in denial. Not wanting to wear hearing aids and feeling too young to have this hearing loss made her life difficult. In her 40’s she finally got hearing aids and hated how they “felt like plugs in her ears”. After quitting choir due to her hearing challenges and experiencing difficulty at work, she learned about the Esteem implant.  “After the Esteem I could hear what people were saying to me and it led to me being a much better program manager,” she says.


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Yvonne received the product through participation in a clinical trial.