
The first step towards determining the best treatment option for your hearing loss is to have your hearing tested by a professional. An audiogram is a graphic representation of how well a person hears, and depending on what tests are included, can help diagnose the type and severity of an individuals hearing loss. These results will help determine what options might be a good fit for your specific hearing loss.

If you already have had your hearing tested, you can request a copy of your  audiogram, and we would be happy to review the test. Contact your doctor to ask for a copy of the results to be sent to us.

Submit Audiogram

If you haven’t had your hearing tested, or if it has been several years, we recommend scheduling a new hearing test with a local audiologist of your choice.

Audiogram: Measuring Your Hearing Ability

The horizontal axis (x-axis) represents frequency (pitch) from lowest to highest. You can think of the frequency axis like the keys on a piano where the sounds become higher pitched as you progress from left to right.

The vertical axis (y-axis) of the audiogram represents the intensity (loudness) of sound in decibels (dB), with the lowest levels at the top of the graph.

Audiogram_NEW without key

A standard hearing test typically includes the following:

Air conduction testing for each ear
(beeps and tones)
Bone conduction testing for each ear
Speech discrimination/word recognition testing for each ear
(focus is on understanding speech, rather than volume)
Tympanogram - ear drum movement
(requires specific equipment and is helpful, but not required)
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