"My quality of life has improved dramatically. I feel like a better mom with this implant,” said Andrea. "I can take my kids to the beach and feel safe. We can get in the water and I can hear the crispness of the waves crashing."

Mom gains confidence with Esteem®, competes for Mrs. America

Six generations ago, Andrea’s ancestors met at a deaf school and married each other. Andrea inherited a progressive form of sensorineural hearing loss and started using hearing aids in college. Now a mother to two small children, she used to worry at night that she wouldn’t hear them if they woke up. “My life was pretty secluded and tough before I got the implant. I found myself staying home a lot and not going to social events, " she says.  With Esteem, Andrea feels like a better parent and a new confidence that enabled her to run for Mrs. Nebraska and Mrs. America.

The information presented or discussed is for general information purposes and may not be representative of all patient outcomes. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be interpreted to contain treatment recommendations. Each person’s situation is unique, and risks, outcomes, experiences, and results may vary. Talk to your healthcare professional about which product or treatment may be right for you. Please see complete product instructions for use, including all product indications, contraindications, precautions, warnings, and adverse events. Please view important safety information at www.envoymedical.com/safety-information. Andrea received the product through participation in a clinical trial.