“When they turned it on (his Esteem Hearing Implant) it was like a light bulb in a dark room…it improved the quality of my life.”

Esteem®  helps husband and Director/Producer reconnect with Life 

Maurie first started to experience the effects of hearing loss when working as a director and producer in Arizona. His career and personal interactions with his wife were suffering from miscommunications. He was stressed and knew he had to do something. Hearing aids helped,  but he found them to be a hassle. "You know you are going to give up something, but I expected more", he says.   When he learned about the Esteem it was the perfect fit.

The information presented or discussed is for general information purposes and may not be representative of all patient outcomes. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be interpreted to contain treatment recommendations. Each person’s situation is unique, and risks, outcomes, experiences, and results may vary. Talk to your healthcare professional about which product or treatment may be right for you. Please see complete product instructions for use, including all product indications, contraindications, precautions, warnings, and adverse events. Please view important safety information at www.envoymedical.com/safety-information. Maurie received the product through participation in a clinical trial.